You’ve no doubt heard the old adage of “never put anything smaller than your own elbow inside your ear,” while then imagining what that would look like or how to do it. (You just tried it didn’t you)? While it might seem silly it’s actually true. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore it when you read… View Article
Cerumen Management: Ear Wax Removal in Long Island, NY
Combine dead skin cells, hair and secretions from the ceruminous and sebaceous glands and you’ll have cerumen, although you probably know this substance better as ear wax. Yes, that’s right—that sticky, waxy, goldish-brown substance found in your ears is actually some pretty nasty stuff. However, as nasty as it may sound, cerumen does a lot… View Article
Everything is Connected… Eating Well for the Sake of your Ears
In my last post I was delighted to tell you of findings that chocolate consumption may be correlated with better hearing. Well, I can’t top that good news, but here is some more information about associations that researchers are finding between good nutrition and healthy ears. Remember that associations do not prove causation, but more… View Article